Making Energy Markets Work For The Poor : Large-Scale Dissemination Of Biogas Plants In Nepal


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Making Energy Markets Work For The Poor : Large-Scale Dissemination Of Biogas Plants In Nepal

January 4, 2013

This publication is one of 17 case studies which, together with a report titled ‘Towards an ‘Energy Plus’ approach for the poor: A review of good practices and lessons learned from Asia and the Pacific’ and an Action Agenda Note, comprises a review of good practices and lessons learned in energy service delivery to the poor. Commissioned and facilitated by the United Nations Development Programme Asia-Pacific Regional Centre (UNDP APRC), this case study identifies key characteristics that have helped poor households and communities gain access to modern energy services, and to derive valuable lessons for future energy access activities. This case study is the product of an intensive collaborative process.
Document Type
Regions and Countries